My weekend has flown by and what a great weekend I had.  Friday we had Pete and Meriza (IFBB Figure Pro) over for a bbq.  We made a delicious dinner, check out the video of our cauliflower mashed!  I made the cauliflower mashed, a big salad, baked yams, and we had chicken, flank steak and buffalo for our protein!  Pete and Meriza also brought a sugarfree Pumpkin pie for dessert!  It was delicious.  I don’t really care for pie crust but had some of the filling, yummy.  It was  fun night talking and eating and then we topped off the evening with a game of Catch Phrase! Have you played or heard of “Catch Phrase”?  It is such a blast.  Meriza and Pete actually got right into the swing of it and won the game.  It is really fun and makes for a fun time!!! Yesterday I went to my bootcamp class in the morning, check out the video.  As many of you know, I am looking for that perfect class that I can add into my workout routine that allows me to get in a great workout in a short amount of time, besides my cardio/training circuits.  I am looking for something different and fun.  I am so busy these days and with my clients, Bruno, business, family, relationships, etc. reality has hit and there is just not enough time in the day anymore… I hear all you out there who have full time jobs and want the best bang for your buck in terms of being efficient with your time.  It is all about being realistic, efficient and having fun!  So my goal is to take a class 1-2 times a week, train shoulders and glutes 1-2 times a week and do a full body circuit on my own 1 day.  My cardio ranges from walking 4-6 miles a day with Bruno to also running a mile a few times a week.  With the boot camp class, I am also getting in an additional 30 minutes of cardio with each class. I absolutely loved the class!  I tried the cardio hip hop last week and that wasn’t it.  I was going to try kick boxing but instead did the boot camp and that is it!  I love it.  That is going to be a great addition to my program and add just what I need in terms of spicing things up and adding variety.  It is all about CHANGE, variety and having fun.  This is what keeps us motivated, making improvements and keeping us wanting more.  Taking a realistic approach to training and how it fits into your life is key.  Doing 3 hours of gym training a day is not realistic for everyone so you have to find what works for you!! You can ALWAYS make it work.  There are so many options and varieties of fitness that  your options are endless.  I felt amazing after the class.  It was nice for a change to turn off my brain and allow someone else to run my workout.  It was really fun.
So my day started out with that amazing class and then it was home to prepare for a few client consultations.  I had two clients come by for appointments.  The first is competitor Sunny Daye, who won the Jr. Cal this year.  We set up her plans for 2010 and she left with one of my Olympia Metals! She eyed them hanging in my office and was drawn to them.    Rather than just hanging up, I was excited to give her a metal to hang in her space for that extra motivation and inspiration.  Below are a few photos of Sunny looking like a champ with her metal~~!002After my consults, a client and me went to lunch at a restaurant Blue Waters which has been seen on the food network.  I had delicious Salmon for lunch!!  From there it was out to walk Bruno and the evening was spent updating programs and returning e-mails.  I had a late night completing my work but got a ton of things done.
Off to start my day now!  It is another beautiful day in San Diego.  The whether is definitely starting to feel a bit more crisp and like winter.  The grass outside is full of leaves.  Winter and the holidays are in the air!  I love the change!
Have a fabulous day.