Today, Take a look at who you want to be and who is determining that? Is it You, is it the media, is it someone around you? Who is determining who you want to be? As we access our goals it is important to really determine where they stem from.
Be sure that your priorities are not set from those around you but rather from digging deep, within yourself, to find out who you want to be and who you are becoming! Do you want it or do you think you “should” want it. It is much easier to stay motivated and moving forward if you are doing things for you!
If you take a moment to think about reasons you are doing things and you realize you can’t come up with why, maybe you need to dig a little bit deeper to discover what your reasons are…
Doing things for YOU and not the pressures that surround you makes this lifestyle so much more rewarding and obtainable!
Stay Healthy, Keep digging and Own the person you want to be!