Today marks 17 weeks and 
Crazy to think about but a Turnip it is! Another great day. So far all is going great. I am so glad to be back into my routine and loving every minute of my morning workouts. It is funny though because I have always been an a.m. girl. Love my moorings, feel light and have my energy but come noon (pregnant or not) my energy starts to fade and I am not the same girl. I guess that is normal, some of us are more morning people and others more night owls. Here is a rundown of today…
Meal #1: 1/4 cup steel cut oats, wheat bran, blue and strawberries, protein shake
Meal #2: mushroom egg white omelet with an apple
Meal #3: Cabbage Stirfry with Nori Wraps and 1/2 avocado with 6 egg whites
Meal #4: Same as Meal #1 without the fruit. I was craving oatmeal 🙂
Meal #5: Bag of Popcorn, craving it! 🙂

Meal #6:
Meal #7: Protein pancakes (protein & 2 egg whites) with 3 tbsp wheat bran & Chia seeds

I was craving more carbs today and got in 7 meals, which has been rare. Today my metabolism was fired up 🙂
Training & Cardio:
50 minutes incline treadmill 18% @ 4.8mph 30 minutes/20 minutes
Mini Circuit:
4 sets of 20 reps
-machine shoulder press
-side lateral raise (thumb pointed up) super set with front raise
-Machine shoulder press –2 long drop sets
-Single shoulder press with palm facing face
I am really starting to gather ideas for my nursery and registries. It is becoming more real and exciting. Boy or girl, thinking of going more neutral on colors. So far have my heart on Yellow and Grey 🙂
More details to come …
Until tomorrow, have an amazing evening!
hugs, Gina