“Even though we often forget, we acknowledge it: making a difference is more important than making a dollar. Sure, a dollar puts food on the table and a roof over our head and four shiny wheels in the garage, but we know in our gut that more money won’t matter as much in the end. What will matter are the people whose lives we touched along the way.”
~T. Duncan
I hope everyone is excited and ready to become more involved in my fitness network! Through my experiences, competing, working with clients, education, one on one interaction with all walks of life, I have found my true passion and that is living a fit and healthy lifestyle. I get pleasure out of touching peoples lives and helping them live the life they have always dreamed up living. Often people think that living a fit lifestyle is hard, takes a lot of time and energy, results don’t last, the process is monotonous, you can’t enjoy the finer things of life, etc. I am here to show you that there is a different way to see this amazing journey of healthy living. I am not saying you don’t have to work hard but the journey can be an amazing process that will take you to your dreams and allow you to conquer your ultimate goals. I have found so many different ways to make your experiences fun and excited and NO you do not have to miss out on the finer things in life. This is about living a Balanced and Healthy Active Lifestyle that you can maintain forever. I want to help share my experiences, tricks and tools I have used to help me live this amazing life! From cooking recipes, clips, q&a, daily updates, workouts, articles, thoughts and interacting with you, I want to be here as your source of information. I am very enthusiastic and get so excited to be able to help people like you are are in need of new ideas and ways to make this a lifestyle and not just a temporary fix. With the help of my website, I Know that you will start to see things in a different way and learn how this amazing journey is extremely doable and there is such a thing as being in the best shape of your life, living, enjoying and loving life!
thank you for being a part of my website and please take some time to browse both my board and forum and start posting!