Hello Hello- Wow, what a weekend and past few days. Unfortunately we have had an emergency in the family and an unexpected death of my husbands grandmother so been a rough weekend but at the same time celebrating a long amazing life that she lived. It is quite amazing to see one generation on its way out and then be simultaneously feeling my baby kicking inside, so surreal how life evolves and goes on. One generation gone and another one just beginning. On anther note, things are going really well. I had a doctors appointment today and am 28 weeks this week. Things are right on track. Here is a breakdown of a few things
Cravings: NONE LATELY but starting to not eat as many veggies as my belly is feeling full quicker.
Weight: 147 (total weight gain of 7-10 lbs)
Symptoms or Annoyances: YES! My belly is itching like crazy. It think it is more than my skin stretching and the baby growing. It appears to be a rash but the doctor didn’t seem to be concerned. I also have eczema on my knee and lower hip but that is not uncommon during pregnancy. Gotta love hormones!!
Hunger: Same
Tests to be done: Still need to do my blood glucose test, which I have been putting off (not going to lie) because I am really not looking forward to downing 40+ grams of sugar… Why don’t they give us a brownie or something yummy instead of drinking pointless grams of sugar 😉
Workouts: They have been few and far between. Especially with our travels and my busy schedule these days. Doing what I can to get in what I can but really just doing what I can. Cardio has just been swimming. Been on a roll but traveling has put a wrench in things. It is hard to find a pool when you are away. Just trying to walk when I am away. Circuit workouts are slim but getting in 3-4 if I can, a week.
Today’s Menu:
Meal #1: 1/2 cup oatmeal, protein shake
Meal #2: Quest Bar
Meal #3: Cabbage Nori Wraps with 6 egg whites
Meal #4: Same as meal #1 but with 1/4 cup pure pumpkin
Meal #5: tilapia with zucchini and 1/2 avocado salad
Meal #6: No carb Protein Pancakes with 1 scoop protein and 3 egg whites
Photo Updates coming soon.. Just really trying to juggle a lot right now. 😉 Such is life, when it rains it pours but still grateful for the pours that make us appreciate life, what we have and everything/everyone that brings pure joy, happiness and smiles to our lives. Life is precious so live each day as if it was your last. Never underestimate the power of a simple I love You or small gesture that can really make someones day. We just never know and life is a miracle to live each day as so.
hugs, Gina