Good Morning, Hope everyone had a great weekend. SO Mrs. Figure O, Nicole Wilkins-Lee has landed and we had a nice visit yesterday. We met for lunch at the Cheese Cake Factory where I had my lovely Weight Management Chicken with NO cheese and extra veggies instead of rice. It was delicious. From there I took her home to unpack and drop off her stuff and then we headed to the beach to walk along the boardwalk with Bruno. We had a nice time and it was beautiful out. From there we came home and started prepping dinner. We grilled chicken and I made a salad with grilled asparagus and onions and also broiled up some brussel sprouts with garlic. You can find that recipe in my old recipe section. Simple and delicious! We sat out by the fire and chatted for a while. It was a great evening and I am happy she is out her visiting! So awesome to meet such great people, in the industry, who not only have a lot in common but are just all out good people~!! Sometimes in life, it is hard to find those people you click with or who are on the same page as you in so many ways and on so many levels, when you find those people, hold on to them, cherish them and be grateful you have them in your life!
I better start getting ready, we are headed out for a walk and to the gym for some back training. Check back later for more updates and a few quick photos! 🙂
Happy Monday, let’s make it great!