Q: I LOVE my egg whites. Im 5.4 weeks out from nationals and egg whites seem to be the fastest, easiest and most diverse protein to cook. Do you think consuming 12 or more a day is bad for prep b/c of the sodium it contains. I usually have 4 in the am with my oats, then 4 in pm(bout 7pm) post w/o with oats and if im hungry at night which is most nights I would make 4 more on the pan before bed.
A: Great question!! I absolutely LOVE my egg whites too!! “I love eggs, from my head down to my legs…” lol Eggs are the fastest, easiest and actually one of the best proteins you can eat. They are called a complete protein. Meaning it contains ALL ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS required in your daly nutritional intake! What a great food! Low calorie (only 17 calories/ egg white) Low fat, no carbs, and high protein (4 g/egg whtie). Yes, it does contain sodium but it is natural sodium and nothing to worry about until the week of your show. I do not think consuming 12 egg whites a day is bad. Wow, that is actually low. Between my meals and pancakes/muffins, I have had up to 24 egg whites a day. I tend to get on kicks where I am all about one type of food and eat that for most of my meals… I have done that on several occasions because they are so yummy, versatile and easy! They can go from a muffin to scramble, omelet, sweet eggs, hard boiled, etc. There are so many things you can do with eggs! I would NOT worry about sodium in the egg whites until 3-4 days out from your show. I cut natural sodium Tuesday or Wednesday, the week of my show! Great question and eat your eggs!!