shutting down…

Hello Hello Friends! Just getting back from the dog park and smell like a dog. Jumping in the shower and then going to make some Orange Roughy and a big ol Gina Style Salad, oh yes and grill some asparagus! Yumm… Had a great day and the sun was out, even hit low...

Wednesday is here…

Good Morning everyone! Slept well?? I hope so! I woke up around 4 but then had no problem going back to bed for an hour. Can you imagine sleeping in again? I have to think hard at the last time I “slept in” and when I say “slept in” I am...

Q&A Registering for the Forum

Q: Gina, I am in the site but can’t figure out how to post in the forum. My username and password is not working?? Can you please help, thanks. A: Yes, Here to the rescue. Once you will need to set up anther account to enable you to post in the forum. This...


“Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.”~Napoleon Hill “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. “~Johann Wolfgang Von...

Tuesday update

Hello Everyone! Closing the doors for the evening. Had a great day! Busy getting things done and boy am I so much more productive with the sun is out! hopefully May Gray will go away and June Gloom will not come out this year! Keeping my fingers crossed. One thing I...