Healthy Chip Alternatives

Potato chips have been around for a long time and are a predominant part of the snack food market in western countries. Every party, sporting event, holiday or picnic there they are! It is hard to get away from them and even more importantly hard to stop yourself from...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the day 1/2 mile run —– Circuit: 5 mountain climbers with 1 push up repeat 10x 10 Bent over rear delt rows 10 single bent over front raises 10 chest presses 10 skull crushers 20 kick ups Repeat circuit...

G-fit WOD

G-Fit Workout of the day: 2 minute jump ropes 10 lunge superset with bicep curls 10 single side lateral superset with front raise 10 single straight leg Deadlifts 20 one arm rows Repeat 4x

G-Fit Workout Of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 100 jump ropes 10 Single side step with band, each side 3 count pulse 1 count up squat 10 Back lunges, each side 10 3-way front raise with plate (side/front/ other side =1) Repeat 6x inc. jump ropes