Good Morning!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and now we begin another amazing week and the last week of the month! Can you believe it!?  I can’t believe November is right around the corner and the holiday months are coming up!  Halloween is this weekend.  Does anyone have anything special planned or any special unique costumes?  I am laying low and not doing much.  I may have a girl friend over for a Halloween dinner but really I am not too into Halloween!  I am looking forward to the holidays though.  I love thanksgiving and Christmas is always fun.  I get excited when it is cool enough to light a fire and sit under a blanket.  I love the sun, don’t get me wrong, but warming up under a blanket with a fire is always a fun time!  We are staying in town for the Holidays and making dinners in so I have to plan and prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas eve/day dinner!  Yes, I am going to do my first Turkey!!! 🙂
I will be making and posting holiday recipes, of course diet and lifestyle friendly.  There is no reason to be afraid of the holidays and scared of what the festivities brings to the table.  there is ALWAYS a way to make things do able and diet friendly.  I will help you and show you how! If there are any special dishes you need help modifying, please let me know so I can be sure to share my ideas with you.
Let’s make the last week of October another successful one!  Today is Monday, the start of a new week, what is your goal for today and for this week?
My goal: Run a 6 minute/20 sec mile
This is something I have done and not far from now but since my show have not ran a solid 6.20 min mile (the entire time).   I am going to do it this week….
Have a great day and please post your workouts and success in the forum “my daily Log”