You are incredibly attractive! Say it, you are! We are all attractive but if only each of us knew our potential! However we might not always feel attractive, we are and have the power to be and to feel it. Feeling attractive is very important regardless if you are in a relationship or not, dating or not, or anything in-between.
Why is feeling attractive so important? Feeling attractive will give you more confidence in more areas than just relationship and dating. It will effect how you feel about yourself and how you approach other people. This can effect all your relationships, including where you work. When you feel more attractive you feel better about yourself and do better in the world.
In the area of romantic relationships, attraction is what initially pulls people together. Some might think once you are in a relationship that it does not remain as important, but it does! Not only to carry that initial spark but to keep the confidence within yourself. That very thinking changes not only how you feel about yourself, but the quality of the relationship itself.
Bottom line, we should all want to be more attractive. This does not mean we should be lining up outside a plastic surgeons office or at the door when your favorite clothing store comes out with a new line, attraction goes way beyond your looks. What are the qualities of attraction and how can you become more attractive?
“You are as attractive as you want to be.” It really is this simple!
Regardless of physical attributes, we all go through stages when we don’t feel attractive. This feeling has no limits based on who you are. Everyone from actors, models, those involved in the music industry, people you look up to and never seem to have a flaw, people you are around on a daily basis, even as much as they are admired and desired by others, often they do not feel attractive.
We can change how attractive we feel, and are, by the actions we take and thoughts we generate.
Here are a few tips and tools to help you change how attractive you feel and are because again, YOU are in control!
Things that effect how attractive you feel:
-How you feel about yourself.
-The level of effort you put into yourself.
These two aspects directly affect each other. How you feel about yourself will determine the level of effort you put into yourself, and the level of effort you put into yourself will determine how you feel about yourself. Sound familiar?
Things that effect how attractive you are to others:
-How you look.
-How you act.
How you look will be effected by how you feel about yourself, which will affect the level of effort you put into yourself and the energy you give off to others. How you feel about yourself will also affect how you act. Sound Familiar? Think about that day you didn’t have time to take a shower or pick out a cute outfit for the day… You left the house feeling just not that cute! Throughout the day, your initial thoughts on how you felt about how you looked made you feel less confident and in turn it effected your energy and actions towards others!
The core is how you feel! It all starts with how attractive you feel, because that will determine not only how others see you, but if you don’t feel attractive to yourself, you won’t be able to appreciate or accept how someone else sees you!
“My friend, if I could give you one thing, I would wish for you the ability to see yourself as others see you. Then you would realize what a truly special person you are.”~B.A. Billingsly Isn’t this the truth and such a powerful quote!
We are all very special and deserving of a rewarding relationship, filled with love, respect, honesty and enjoyment! You have to change your thoughts and perception of yourself. Regardless of your situation, regardless of the past and regardless of any physical attributes, you need to understand that you can create a new present and a better future. Treat yourself with the value you have the value that you ARE. Try it… Take the time to primp yourself up and leave your house feeling like a million bucks, feeling attractive and sexy! See how your day unfolds and the energy you give off to others, which in turn will be the energy you get back!
You deserve to feel attractive and attraction starts with how you feel about yourself. So if you want to be more attractive start on the inside and you will shine on the outside!