Your mind manifests what you feed it. So focus on the things that we like from our relationships and not the things that annoy us. Relationships are work and all have their ups and downs but it is what we fill our minds and emotions with that manifests into reality. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, manifest the greatness you have with your love one!
We can improve our relationships dramatically by refocusing our minds. Let’s change the channel and remind ourselves of what we like about our relationships and partners. Have you ever created and used a relationship grateful list. This might seem strange, but it is really more strange to focus on annoyances rather than love and appreciation in a relationship. What do you want to think about in regards to your relationships? What feelings do you want to promote?
Take the time to list at least ten things you like about your partner and/or people in your life. Then, each day recite three things from your list out loud that you like about your partner. It is important to appreciate and remember our partners and our gratefulness!
The amazing thing is that when you refocus your mind on the positive in your relationships, you experience your relationships as being even more positive without anything changing. The little things, there are always a few, stop annoying you, and you actually begin to enjoy each other more. Life is also a self-fulfilling prophecy; as you become focused on the positive in your partner, in time, he or she becomes more positive with you. Guess what? Yes, even the sex gets bumped up to another level when you become more focused on the appreciation for your partner! Sure there are aspects about your relationship partner that do drive you nuts but the trick is to fall in love with the very things that drive you the most crazy. You are a team, best friends, a couple… they key is to hold hands and smile even when you may disagree on something!
Use a Relationship Grateful List. List at least 10 things you like in your partner and remember these things each day!
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With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, take a moment to appreciate and be grateful for your relationships! Those single, take the time to appreciate your friendships, family ties and closeness of those you love! Valentine’s day is everyday but February 14th is just another reminder of our love!