I posted a “cute cheaters diet rules” for a good laugh but on that note I waned to mention how to eliminate binging and live a binge free life with out those thoughts. There are different ways for you to overcome those thoughts and allow them to pass. It is normal to have cravings and everyone has temptations to eat more than they should when something is just so darn good but how do you stop where you know you should?
It is not uncommon in a sport and society so driven by diet restrictions that our mind wants to take us in the opposite direction and eat what our “diet” tells us we can’t. The mental restrictions are often harder than actually avoiding the foods… The effect of a binge not only can set you back in your weight loss goals but mentally it can be hard to handle. You have to remember this is a lifestyle and the foods you avoid are not “BAD” and they will always be there. There is a reason you are choosing to eliminate them for a short period but when you reintroduce them, they will be right there and taste just the same. Some people can’t have certain foods in their house, for fear they will eat them in their entirety. My suggestion is to put yourself to the challenge, get that one food, whatever it maybe and set a pact with yourself that you will only eat it in moderation and as your diet suggests. Many of us have this issue with nut butters and nuts. They are just too good and a serving is just too small. If nuts or nut butters are your weak spot, don’t be afraid of them and not allow them in your house but rather, bring them into your house and seek the challenge. Learn to be able to have a serving and be okay. Most of our thoughts and cravings, which can lead some people to binge stem from the restrictions and thoughts of NOT being able to have something. If you are following a strict diet that doesn’t allow for certain foods… how many times after the program when you are allowed to have those foods, do you just not want them anymore!? this is because you CAN! If you tell yourself you CAN have a serving of those foods that may not be on your plan but you choose not to, it helps release the mental restrictions and frees your mind from those potential binges. Here are a few pointers to help divert your thoughts when you feel them coming on…
—Mindfulness—-Being mindful means thinking about why you are having those thoughts to eat certain foods and what lead you to those thoughts? Think about how it will affect you tomorrow physically and mentally! Is it really worth it. 2 seconds of pleasure for a week of pain…??
Use a journal to take notes or post in the forum for people to support and help you avoid those temptations… That is what we are here for!
–Have a plan. You can’t binge when you’re busy doing something else. For example, every time you have a thought or see yourself wanting something, go for a walk, read a book or find something to preoccupy your mind. A few ideas…
· Take a bubble bath
· Go for a walk
· Go out to a movie
· Clean your house
· Reorganize a drawer or a room
· Get online or phone a friend
· Read a book
· Post in the forum or write in your journal!
· Meditate
We are here to help you overcome those thoughts and help you work through the mental battles of being on “diets”. Diets aren’t all their cracked up to be when you are constantly giving into those thoughts…
what are ways you avoid those moments..?