capers q&a

Q: What about capers? I buy them at costco and they come in vinegar—without added sugar etc. I use them on fish and in salads to add extra zing! I think they are a fruit but I do not usually count the calories/ carbs they add—and I do not know if they even carry many...

a.m. and post workout cardio q&a

Q: I’m just curious how significant of a difference are the 2 on fat burning? I understand that your glycogen stores are lower after you haven’t eaten since the night before. But how much difference is there between that and your glycogen stores...

missing meals, meal planning Q&A

Q: Today I had all my meals ready to go but somehow forgot to have my shake at one of my meals since it was in the fridge at work and not by my other food. Oopsy! I didn’t even realize it till I was eating my next meal! So, my question is what do you then? Eat...

Protein Powder Casein vs Whey Q&A

Q: I personally use Jay Robb protein because so far I haven’t found anything that comes close in taste and doesn’t have that nasty aftertaste or has granules left after mixing. I keep reading in different magazines and online about Casein whey and my...

Foam roller & tennis Ball q&a

Q: Do you use this regularly? I use this whenever I think about it and it really seems to help. I have been through enough physical therapy for just about every part of my body to know that I am usually told to use this, particularly for my IT band. I also use a...

Figure vs. Bikini Q&A

# Gina, Q: When you train a bikini girl vs. a figure girl, how does their diet vary in terms of macros? Do your bikini girls consume less protein? A: Great question! As far as training and setting up a diet program for bikini vs. figure, there are very similar in...