Memories, the good and the bad…

Memories, we have to use them to benefit us! We have different types of memories, some we wish we could relive and others we wish we never had. I know you have both the good and quite the opposite, right!? What do you do with your memories? You can take a memory or...

Develop a taste for finer things

Quality over quantity and finer things over an abundance of “things”. If we can learn to develop a taste for the finer things in life, you realize that more is not always better yet a little of the best will satisfy any craving. Developing a taste for the...

What motivates you this Monday?

Good Morning on this beautiful Monday where we are making things happen! Day in and day out consistency is the key but how do you maintain day in and day out efforts? Doesn’t that seem a little unrealistic to live everyday consistently on a program!? The key to...

Get outdoors!

Have you ever wondered how you can be so low in energy but then take yourself out doors into the fresh air and suddenly it is as if you had a fresh cup of coffee! You get rejuvenated and re energized! So many of us work in doors and not sure about you but I notice...

Who do YOU want to be? Become that Person!

We are so heavily influenced by society and what we believe to be “norms” or what we “should do”. Take a look at Your personal goals and directions. Are they true products of what your inner drive is telling you or are you succumbing to the...