I am so happy some of you know about this Story! For those that don’t and for more info on how I met Flat Stanley here it is… Okay so who is Flat Stanley??? Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother Arthur are given a big bulletin board by their Dad for putting pictures and posters on. He hangs it on the wall over Stanley’s bed, but during the night the board falls from the wall, flattening Stanley in his sleep. He survives and makes the best of his flat self!  One special advantage is that Flat Stanley can now visit his friends by being folded up and mailed in an envelope. And so the story begins…  There is something called the Flat Stanley Project that is done in many schools.  It facilitates letter-writing by schoolchildren to each other as they document what Flat Stanley has done with them.
The Project allows students to make connections with other students who are also doing the project.  Students begin by reading the book and learning about Stanley’s story. Then they make paper “Flat Stanleys” (or pictures of the Stanley Lambchop character) and keep a journal for a few days, documenting the places and activities of Flat Stanley. The Flat Stanley and the journal are mailed to other people who are asked to treat Stanley as a visiting guest and add to his journal, then return them both after a period of time.
And so Flat Stanley started in New York with my girl friends Nephew and came out to California to visit her.  He has been all over and now is traveling with several people and going on many adventures!!! Stanley has the life!
What a great project and so fun.  My girl friend came to my house with Flat Stanely in her purse.  I had never heard of Flat Stanly but was quickly introduced.  We had such a blast and it gave me such a laugh.  Oh it is such the small things that make you smile.  It puts things in perspective of what we are all wrapped up to, in this day in age… The mind of a young boy and his excitement about the adventures of Flat Stanley puts things in perspective.  My girl friend told me where Stanley had already been and where he is going… What a journey.  Think about it, with every adventure there is a story.  Here is Stanley with Gina Aliotti, here is Stanley with….. Here is Stanley baking int he sun.  With every photo there is a story of how he got there, who the people he is with are all about and their story, etc.  Stanley is quite the stud and experiencing so much life has to offer!! Now Stanley is off to Vegas for Thanksgiving!!  Makes you think… there is more to this post to come but wanted to fill you in on my night out with Flat Stanley!!! Too much fun!  I was glad I got to meet him and was introduced to this story!! flatstanley