Hope everyone had a great day!!!
First of all, I want to take a moment to welcome all new members! Welcome to the site and welcome to our family!! There is so much we all have to offer here at ginaaliotti.net and we are excited to have you a part of the team!!! 🙂
I am just finishing things up and getting ready for date night… yes date night and remember what we were talking about earlier in the week… remembering your childhood and innocent days, well that is exactly what we are doing. We are headed to the Broadway Musical Avenue Q! I will be hanging with the puppets tonight.. 🙂 Looking forward to it!!

On another note, what do you do when your phone totally dies on you?? Okay so mine is GONE! Dead, not working, not powering on, dead! No numbers, no calls, no texts…. I can retrieve messages, no problem, not worries but what about texts? I will not know that I received one and therefore not return it and that is so not like me to not return a text. I am talking business text that I am worried about. It is so crazy how technology rules our lives, literally! SO in the middle of everything I have going on and have to do, to be on the phone with Verizon for hours on end is not what I thought I was going to do nor do I have the time. Still, as of now, looks like I am going to have to look for a new phone and deal with the loss of connection from the world, for a few days. Kind of sad but that is just how 2010 is, dependent on our electronics! How we run business, how we stay connected, etc. So I have been and am still dealing with that ahhhhhh….
On a good note, I had an awesome workout today, check this one out:
30 minutes cardio
1/2 mile fast walk
2 mile run
1/2 mile fast walk
1/2 mile sprint
Workout — Crossfit style
for 20 minutes straight
9 straight leg dead lifts with 25# bar
8 push ups
8 assisted pull ups
8 thrusters (push presses)
Awesome workout! Been busy so only had meals on the go…
so ready for date night… Happy Friday Everyone!