Good Morning Everyone!! Slept well, YES– CHECK, until 4 a.m. woke up ready to go… is my body telling me i didn’t need the sleep or was that a fluke, see these are all the questions we never know about sleep and what our bodies are telling us!! So with that being said, as much as I stressed how important sleep is, it is a very complex subject when you start taking into account the physiological and mental components of sleep! How deep we sleep, how light we sleep, what is on our minds, what we had for dinner, etc. Everything affects how, when and why we sleep. The bottom line is try to do the best you can with a little extra shut eye, whether it be a nap or getting to bed a few minutes early, and let your body do the rest… It was back to bed for me and I was OUT like a light so I think it was a fluke, then waking up right before my alarm and 4:57 sharp. My body knows when it is time! Hope you all get in your zzz’s. The weekend is right around the corner so if you are waiting for the weekend to catch up on those lost minutes, hold on tight we are almost there!
I had the most amazing dinner last night! Wasn’t sure what concoction I was going to come up with, as my refrigerator was looking a little naked but, put me to the test and wahlaaaaa!! 🙂 SO simple but SO delicious…. Kelp Noodle Celery Stir fry with Grilled Portabella mushrooms and onion! 🙂
I am posting the recipe in the recipe section now. Check it out!
Thoughts to think about today…
What do you appreciate and what do you ignore? Is any day less precious because, in your mind, “nothing special” happened? Once you take something for granted, you also take the life out of it. When nothing is “special,” boredom and “bla” aren’t far behind. Look around where you’re sitting right now, and try to see it for the first time, like a child or a puppy would. Think about the human brain and human capabilities that created the stuff in the room. Think about the outside world, outside your box. Think about the cell phone in your hand or the computer you are typing on!!! Beyond that, think about walking outside and seeing the life and how dynamic our food chain is and just how the world functions! Look at people walking around and who unique we all are! We all have our own identity, our own minds, ways of thinking, our own kaleidoscope… Think about how amazing it is that you’re even here to see the dynamics of life and to be a part of what makes the world go round! Crazy… Be appreciate for everything in your life, in your box and around you, outside your box!!! Be appreciative of this amazing and complex circle of life!! It doesn’t take something “special” to happen to be appreciate or take notice. Look around and take notice today, right now for LIFE!
Have a great day! xo