Good morning Ladies!! Hope you all are having a wonderful week!! Wow, thursday already! CrAZY…. for those of you in the heart of a prep or on a dietary program, another week down and moving right along!! I wanted to mention a few things…
1– first of all, my motivational Calendar is now available for members at your 20% off rate! 🙂 Be sure to check it out and place your order!
2– I do want to mention, there should be a “TAG” section under each post you post in the forum, please feel free to place key words or relevant words that go along with the post so in the future, when you are searching for a topic, it can be found… I will be sure to do this on my end!
Okay back to business.. Now things are well here in SF and yes, it is raining and cold but nice for a change. We are headed back to SD late this evening. Yesterday I had an awesome workout at the local 24 hour. I did 30 minutes of treadmill cardio as follows
15 minutes fast walk on high incline
10 minute jog on no incline
5 minute faster jog with 2 minute sprint at the end of the 30 minutes 🙂
Then to the full body workout
-single dumbbell shoulder press
-one arm dumbbell rows
-bicep curl, front raise combo set
-dumbbell stationary lunges
adductor machine
abdominal crunches
leg extensions
all 2 sets of 15, circuit style took about 30 minutes!
Then 20 minutes of HIT on the bike.
Okay I must say, to each their own but I would say the bike is my least favorite cardio machine! I just did it for change, change is good, remember!! So about me not sweating… ya for some reason that darn bike gets me every time and not only is it boring but I find it makes me sweat more than when I am at a high intense run on the treadmill! Not sure why since it is less intense but it just gets me everytime! Think maybe it is mental because I find it so boring there for the challenge stems from the mind… Anyways did it and had a great workout! No on to the meal plan…
meal1 and meal 2: 1 scoop protein shake with 1/3 c. oatmeal
meal 3: 6 egg white/veggie scramble
meal 4: almonds and chicken salad
meal 5: protein shake
meal 6: tons of veggies, salad and 1/4 c. pasta (yes pasta) with homemade sauce
meal 7: salad and shake
Yes, I over did it on the shakes but it was a busy day yesterday. 🙂
Have a fabulous day and be sure to check out two of my favorite wild rice recipes just posted!! I also posted a healthy Chocolate Cake, designed specifically for member Sarah’s Birthday!! Happy Birthday Sarah!! which reminds me– please check the forum to add your birthday to the list. Happy Thursday!