Good morning and Happy Friday! So we made it back to SD at 2:15 this a.m. The weather delays had our flight delayed by 4 hours. What a night… you know how it is, sitting in an airport for endless hours! Gosh not only are you bored out of your mind but there is NOTHING to eat and you suddenly have all the cravings in the world. Well we ate dinner at Michael’s parent’s house before heading to the airport, bringing Protein powder, bell peppers and almonds with us. I asked for the Protein powder when It was time for my meal and bummer Michael had check it in our suitcase. So I had my peppers, almonds and was able to find a chicken salad. Of course not using the dressing but the chicken still had some marinade on it… Oh well such is life and being flexible. Better than other airport options! Too bad I could have eaten 10 of them! And can you believe the price of a measily salad with about 2 oz of protein.. $10, that is 1 1/2 of my 6 lb green bean bags or about 6 heads of cabbage or 2 bags of mixed greens, do I need to go on…. Wow, how much they charge you and how can they get away with that! Here is where I should have been more prepared, so unlike me but hey, see the protein was packed away and I had no control! Such is life and you have to roll with it and make smart choices in a crunch like that! Anyways, we got back home, made it safe and sound! The rain is still pouring down here in San Diego! It is nice for a change but I still can’t get use to the cold… Wool socks are on! Happy Friday to everyone, stay warm and enjoy the start of your weekend! xo
Okay so I have attached a few photos of Bruno, this is him around 7p.m. every night. like dog, like mother… Takes after me, 7:00 he is out like a light!