Saturday, Saturday… woot woot! For some it is another work day and for others a lovely day off! For me it is about 1/2 work 1/2 r&r… Had such a well balanced day yesterday, attending my yoga completed the day. It has been since before Italy since I went and it felt so good! It is all about the teacher and I found “The” teacher. Now I know what name to look for on the schedule, that is a great feeling! It is nice to know what you are getting with each class, based on the teach, makes all the difference in the world. I was SO busy this week and on Thursday was almost going to cancel on my girlfriend but I told myself NO I am doing it and that is going to be my hour of “me time”. I kept going back and forth, mentally, because as much as I knew I needed it and it we all have our choices, I felt that I couldn’t make it work! Back and forth telling myself: “that I can make anything work, I am in control, I need that short hour for me, what is an hour, I can made an hour, I am in control of my decisions which are going to affect me and the rest of the day…” all that was going through my head but still was trying to mentally organize how it was going to work. I told myself, I AM going period! I made it up in my mind and went. Another lesson reiterated! Set it up, make up your mind and go! We all need our “me time” and nothing will be more efficient than spending that quality time on you, especially in yoga where you can relax, breath and ease your mind, and then continue on with your day! It felt so good to go and that overwhelming feeling was gone when I walked into Yoga and completely non existent when I walked out. I thought of everyone!

A few things revisited yesterday…
-when you make a decision, follow through
-make up your mind, set the date, and do it!
-you may feel overwhelmed or “too busy” but you are Never too busy for that moment, hour of “you time”
-thinking you have no time, think again– you have all the time in the world, it is up to you how you use it
-an hour of yoga makes an hour of work so much more effective!
-easing your mind, body and soul with the power of the breath makes the rest of your day so peaceful
-no matter what your schedule looks like, you can always make it work!
-the breath, it is all in the breath and keeping that mental focus that makes you that much better at your practice!
What I love about my Yoga time is that so much of what we do is physical. Yoga is definitely physical with the set poses but it is so much more mental and causes you to really exercise your power of focus, staying within a moment and one track focus. SO much of what we do, we are really having to control our minds. Yoga helps us have control over that mind of ours and really dig deep to take control of those mental barriers. I love having the balance to exercise the physical body and also having the ability to really challenge and exercise our mental bodies…. Such a great balance and shift from our typical gym mentality!!
Breathing is so important for our overall health, allowing oxygen to be delivered throughout our bodies for optimal performance and well being!! It is often overlooked and kind of sad we may need a class to remind us of our breath and its importance but never devalue the breath! Just like our food is our fuel for our muscles and functioning, Oxygen is fuel for the brain and the body. We emphasize putting the most quality food in our systems and we must also consciously value putting only the most quality oxygen into our bodies. Good clean air and the simplicity of the breath goes hand in hand with the physical and mental goals we are reaching or striving for, on a daily basis. Whatever goal you’re working for, proper breathing will help you reach it!!
This weekend, try a yoga class?? You may be a yogi regular and if you are, you are on it but if you aren’t consider taking a class and experience the power of the breath and how it makes you feel!!!

Enjoyed the rest of the day, in such a better place mentally, and then a beautiful dinner with Michael! As for today, back at it and ready for the weekend. Headed to the gym in a few and then will be back online.
Woke up starving and just finished up my usual oats and shake with Chia and now sipping on my Java… life is good! 🙂 Until later, enjoy the start of this beautiful weekend!!