Good Morning!! It’s Friday! Did you know that there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays this month! This only happens every 823 years!! Gotta love having more weekends in one month!! Here is for 2 out of the 5! 🙂 Any exciting plans for the weekend? Other than a few appointments this weekend, I am calling it a weekend to stay close to home and r&r. Yesterday I was really thinking about fitness and why it is so powerful! Why we love fitness and become so addicted to the positive components it has to offer! Fitness is one of few things in life we HAVE control over. We can’t control so much of our lives from where we park our cars to the way other people act. All we have control over is ourselves. Fitness is the one thing that we control! We are able to make our OWN choices and there is nobody that can stop us or get in our way. We all make our own personal decisions with nobody telling us what to do, how to do it, how often, etc. Of course, you read and you may hear people talk but the reality is it is up to you to DO. In our lives there are so many rules, things controlled by outside sources yet in fitness, we make our decisions and they are solely up to us!! That is a pretty amazing concept. Even the nutritional component of Fitness, we are in control! We control what goes in our shopping cart and what we put on in our bodies! Society is so much based around control! History has been ruled by control. If you really think about control, it is everywhere but where do you actually have a leg to stand on and what is it you can and can’t control?? Fitness is one of those things that you are in total control over and that is a pretty great feeling! Go to the gym or not go to the gym, up to you….. eat this or eat that, up to you…. obtain this body or that body, up to you…. run this marathon or compete in another event, up to you…. We are the ones in control. Now there may be influences but at the end of the day We are completely in control of our actions and decisions!
We have brought up the Serenity Prayer several times but it is so powerful, I want to bring it back up. I have this hanging in my bathroom and see it on a daily basis. I know Jenn G. has or had it hanging from her car mirror. The more you can see and embrace these words, the more powerful they become…

Today and tomorrow, don’t waste your time worrying about the things we cannot change! We have so little time in the day that the less we time and energy we can focus on the things that are out of our hands and control, the more we can put that energy and focus into the things we have control over. Instead of worrying about the things you cannot control, remind yourself that worrying doesn’t bring change. If it is a situation that you can control, then no reason to worry and every reason to act and change!! Find a solution and spend your energy fulfilling it. Traffic on your way to work— NO WORRY, LET IT GO, OUT OF OUR HANDS… FEELING THE URGE TO CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS, ACT AND GET TO CHANGING…
Embrace the power to make decisions and change you, you are always in control and have the power to change, not tomorrow but today!!!
Today is a special day… Happy Birthday to our Forum Expert, Erin!!! We are thinking about you on your special day!! Embrace all your hard work that you have accomplished, wow what an amazing year you had, enjoy your victories, enjoy your new way of living and celebrate ALL your continued success….
The journey continues….

Untitled from Gina Aliotti on Vimeo.