Good Morning Good Morning… Off to the races we go… Saddle up ladies we are off… Feeling the energy today. We are having yet another minor heat wave, what is going on… I’ll take it whatever it may be, rain or shine, I am just embracing the constant change! It is getting into the holiday season so as I said, whatever it may be, even the rain, I am all for it!! 🙂 Kaizen, improvements are being made and we are continuing to move forward with our content and tools here in our online family… a few to look forward to:
-FOOD LOG BEING INTRODUCED SOON, Promise. Have a phone call today to see the progress. Remember this is a program that has to be created so it takes time, that is where the hold up has been. Doing everything from scratch not a cookie cutter log 😉 That’s how we do things here at!! 🙂
WHITE Rib Longer Length Racerback Tank
98% cotton/2% spandex
Longer length tank hits at mid-hip with custom contoured fit.
Sizes S, M, & L

(tweaked the design a bit)
PRE ORDER…. $24.99
-STARTING THIS WEEK– BACK TO OUR WEEKLY CIRCUIT WORKOUTS! Traci (Fit and Fab at 40) will be joining us for our circuit workouts! 🙂
Lots of exciting updates and changes coming our way!!
As for today…THOUGHT OF THE DAY:
There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There’s no such thing as life in-between.
This month, how have your efforts been? We all have dreams but dreams will remain dreams unless we put in full effort and commit yourself 100%!!! You have to be IN to fully commit yourself. If you are unsure or only kind of going through the motions, your dreams will not be met. Ask yourself, have you been giving your ALL and best efforts towards your goals?
Imagine, you give it your 100% full effort! Times may be tough but you have committed yourself and you are IN, doing it 100% without a doubt! You are IN and there is NO looking back! Days, weeks, months go by… You summit!! You reached the top of your mountain, one foot after the other, you did it!!! Imagine that feeling right now. It really may be hard to imagine because it may seem like you still have to far to go but try to imagine, which–by the way– is something that you will never truly be able to fully conceptualize until you reach summit. Is there anything more satisfying than digging deep, knowing that you gave it your all, gave it what you thought you didn’t have, surpassing your personal physical and emotional limits, then looking up and realizing that “oh my gosh I can’t believe I really did it?!!” That right there is one of the most life changing experience you will ever have! Now, imagine… you commit yourself 56% you are “kinda IN”, you stumble, you fall, you take a few steps backwards, you keep going but you never are fully IN. You reach the top with minimal efforts when you realize you could have done more? You may still be able to make it to the top, either way but the two journeys are completely different and the sense of accomplishment are incomparable. When you commit, you commit 100%, without question. Get IN to it, embrace it and just focus on that feeling you will get at the very top!! Just keep looking forward and visualize that mountain top everyday! One foot in front of the other!!!
Remember that your own personal summit can convert life’s everyday challenges into gratifying accomplishments that will remain with you forever!
A few things to keep you focuses and committed…..
-LESS IS MORE. Aside from the absolute essentials, things do not help you reach summit will only weigh you down. Only things that are helping you move forward should be held close by– family, support system, positivity, faith, etc.
-PUT ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER. Break down your journey into a series of mini goals or “small steps”. If you only focus on the very top and how far you have to go, you may get frustrated. One step at a time…. Eventually one step will be the one that puts you on top.
-HAVE YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOU MAY FALL. Support and motivation help make your journey more fun and possible! There are times when you may feel alone or like you are crazy for the things you are aiming for, it is important to know that your “team” is right there with you and you are NOT alone! Your journey is your own but is meant to be experienced and shared with like minded individuals. Why not have people there to share in your ups and help you during your downs. Relationships help your journey, knowing that you have all the support in the world and that you are not alone! We are ALL here to help you and Team is there to pick you up when you may take a minor plunge….
-LISTEN AND LEARN. Even though we all have our own paths, it is smart to learn from those who may have ventured along the path before. Listen, watch and learn from experts or those who have experienced similar situations. Choose your mentors wisely and always keep them close by on your journey.
-SLOW DOWN. Embrace the journey and be patient. There is so much to see, experience and learn, as you travel to the top! Don’t race up to the top and miss out on the scenery! This is a memory that you want to enjoy, embrace and reflect on, every step of the way!! The summit is just the icing on the cake and what really makes the journey incredible is enjoying each rock you overturn and each hole you dig a little bit deeper, as you are on your way to the top! Slow down and enjoy the journey! The Summit will always be there but your climb may not, enjoy it and take it in! Remember this is a marathon, NOT a sprint!
-LOOK BACK AND REMINISCE! You always have the ability to stop, take in a deep breath, smile and enjoy where you have come from and what you have achieved, no matter what happened in your past. Don’t forget about these moments to sit and reminisce!! Every situation is a great one and one you learned from. Every now and then, take a moment to look back and reflect on how far you have come and appreciate the journey for what it is!!!
-FALLING ONLY MAKES YOU STRONGER. There is no such thing as failure, only strength! Be okay and learn to accept what falls in your path. A few boulders are inevitable but we have to have the strength to pick them up and move past them. They are teaching you huge life lessons!! Embrace them and everything they are teaching you.
This journey to the top is nothing more than a challenge. We are all becoming stronger with each step! Challenges are what keep us stimulated, growing and motivated!! So are you putting in your FULL Efforts?? Are you IN or are you 1/2 in??
“It is not the mountains we conquer but ourselves.” ~Sir Edmund Hillary
Until later…