I’m trying to lose 10 pounds. I succeeded at losing 5. Now, my diet is pretty clean for the most part. And I’m currently doing low carb. I just want food suggestions that are high protien, low carb, and effective. My fitness is okay. I do spin class about 3-4X a week and do not weight train at the moment because I don’t feel I have the energy from lack of carbs. Any help would be appreciated!
A: I would be careful with your low carbs as you do need some carbs and don’t want to rebound when you do start eating them again! The high protein/low carb does work but it is not maintainable for life so watch out for that…
You are experiencing low energy from low carbs, indeed!! If you have a few extra clean/good carbs, you will have the energy to push yourself with your workouts and start weight training, which is key to your metabolism. Not only will it speed up your metabolism but the more muscle you have the faster your resting metabolism!
Start incorporating a few more carbs here and there complex: yams, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, etc and start your weight training. Maybe start increasing carbs every other day, slowly, to get your body use to the carbs. This will speed up your metabolism and again, allow you to have the energy to weight train!! Give that a try. There are so many other tips but you have to start with a few at a time.