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So it is here, Fit:50 presents 50 recipes to get you fit.  Download it today, free to members!!! You should see it on your dash board, download your copy and start cooking. The Recipes are for healthy balanced living.  We are in the works of our contest recipe book which is coming soon.  Stay tuned for more Fit:50 recipes.  Please post the recipes you  and feedback and suggestions are welcome!
Today was an exciting day, I finallyordered a new Nu Wave Oven, way over due, and it was at my doorstep today!  Now a brand new cooking machine!! You know how often I use my Nu Wave, imagine the looks of that thing.  Now a brand new one ready to go and get used 🙂  Oh the small things in life that really make our day!  Isn’t that great!
On another note, here was my diet and training for the day:
MEAL 1: pro dessert, 1/2 c. oatmeal
MEAL2: apple fritter muffin– see recipe section
MEAL 3: cabbage, 5 egg whites and 3/4 c. brown rice
MEAL 4: same as meal 3 but with 10 almonds
MEAL 5: big chicken salad
MEAL 6: 6 egg white/veggie omelet
MEAL 7: making a cabbage stir-fry with 4 egg whites and going to have 10 almonds and head to bed 🙂
4 mile walk with bruno
upper body circuit (push ups, side laterals, front raises, bench dips, shoulder press)– 3 rounds of 15 reps each
cardio hip hop -1 hr.
Yes, I stepped out  of my box and went to Cardio Hip Hop.  I was inspired after seeing the Michael Jackson Movie.  I had a blast but it was a bit advanced. 😉  I love to dance and have rhythm but need to start slowly and get into it.  The instructor could have been on So You Think You can Dance!  She was amazing.  It was fun to do something different.  Next on my list is kick boxing and yoga, both I have done before but I am determined to find a class/instructor like and make it a part of my schedule!
Off to finish cooking, shower and get to bed.
Have a fabulous start of your week and check out the Recipe Book!!