Congratulations to competitors and clients Jenn Juaquez-Conn and Jessica Shannon for their outstanding accomplishments and success at the Nationals.  Both went to the show as winners and didn’t leave with trophies but left with a big smile on their face and a huge indescribable feelings of satisfaction and self accomplishment!  They both worked so hard and did such an amazing job.  Jessica and Jenn are both mothers and full time employees.  It was Jessica’s first National show with me and 2nd national show all together and Jenn’s first show with me and 1st National show period.  Jessica was coming off a win at the Los Angeles Championships.  I am so proud of them both for representing themselves so well and working so hard.  Below are photos of them from the show.
jess-frontjess backmodelmodel 2jenn frontjenn backjenn modelcongratulations ladies!!! I am so proud of you!