Scale No More….

Put your scale away and get your glasses cleaned! Are you one of those people that is ruled by the number that is displayed on the scale? Are you someone who has a good day if the scale is nice to you or a bad day if the scale decides to throw some “wrong” numbers at you? Isn’t it frustrating to allow your emotions to be determined by the lovely numbers on the scale when you feel like you have done everything right. Do you lose motivation when the scale stops dropping or when you step on the scale and it is a few numbers up from yesterday or the day before! Scale no more! Remove the scale from your house and use your good ol eyes to measure your progress! Health and fitness isn’t always measured in pounds so why should your mood!?
If you’ve been hitting the gym on a regular basis and staying consistent with both your cardio and weight training along with following a clean healthy nutritional program, you have nothing to worry about and chances are you are losing fat, regardless of what the scale reads! It is inevitable that by following a consistent fitness program, you are going to see results! First of all, do not forget that muscle weighs more than fat!! The scale might easily go up because you have also been building lean muscle. Since muscle is dense and weighs more than fat, the scale might not, in your eyes, reflect your hard work but in reality those numbers going up truly are! Increase lean body tissue = increase weight.
There are so many other ways to measure your progress, here are just a few…
1. How are your clothes fitting you? Take out a pair of pants or your favorite top that fit snug before you began your new, healthy lifestyle. See how they fit! This is a sure sign of progress, who needs a scale!? Clothing never lies but the scale does!
2. Measurements… When you first start your program, rather than tracking your weight, track your measurements. Measure your waist, arms (triceps/bicep), thighs, chest, calve and hips. Even if you are not losing pounds, you very well may be losing inches all over your body as your figure slims down and tones up with muscles. Measuring your body is more reliable than the scale alone. I am a firm believer in measurements over body fat or the scale. Just be sure to measure yourself in the same place each time!
3. Monitor your energy. Not only will you be able to work out for longer intervals of time, but everyday roundabouts become easier. Whether cleaning your house or walking up the stairs, you will notice these activities getting easier and easier. Not only will you feel more energy during activities but a sure indication of fat loss is when your overall energy levels rice and lethargy scales down!
4. Measure your emotions. You’ve been working hard to reach your goals. Notice how your hard work and efforts affect how you feel about yourself and how that carries over into other areas of your life! Watch as your body shapes up, regardless of what the scale says, how your attitude and confidence will increase! No matter what the scale says you cannot deny how you feel from the inside out!
Just because the scale has stopped moving doesn’t mean that you’ve hit a plateau in reaching your goals. Don’t give up out and don’t get frustrated! There are so many variables from the lack of water or high amounts of water you drank to the sodium in your foods. Especially as your body becomes more efficient and your daily intake becomes cleaner and cleaner, your body becomes much more sensitive and therefore your weight will fluctuate in a matter of hours! Remember, if you are staying consistent, positive and doing everything you are suppose to do, it is inevitable that your body will respond! Be patient and if I have one piece of advice, ditch the scale! The scale is NOT a true indication of your progress and success so scale no more! Start using your own set of eyes and your own instincts to learn your body and listen to the signs your body gives you. All of your hard work is paying off, I promise you!