What a beautiful Sunday! Summer is officially here and I am loving this weather! May Gray and June Gloom are long gone and we are looking at 80’s all week long. For those that know me, know that I am one happy girl when the sun is out! I am glad to be in the beginning of my pregnancy now. I have heard that being really pregnant in the heat is not much fun. I love Sundays. Over the past few years, I have really adapted Sunday as a R&R day. Typically I take the day off but I use it to go with how I feel. If I feel like doing nothing, I do just that. If I feel like doing a little something, that is what I do. Sunday is more like an active recovery day where I do something active just not necessary “gym workouts”. Today actually got a call from a girlfriend to meet at the gym for cardio so that is what I did. We had a nice girl time cardio session and then spent the rest of my day out in the beautiful sun!
I just started using a heart rate monitor to keep track of my heart rate, during workouts. It is fun to keep track of my rate and use that as my intensity gauge. Believe it or not, I have never used a heart rate monitor and just gone with how I feel. I don’t want to get my heart rate up too high but at the same time, because I was active before getting pregnant, my body can handle a little intensity. They say if you aren’t active, you want to ease into exercise and be careful but if you are active and workout pre pregnancy, you really can continue at your pace, within reason. With that being said, I have toned things down for me, that is for sure. No Sprint or HIT work, no running, and all steady state longer cardio sessions. I go with how I feel, drinking water and listening to my body as I go. If I need to stop, I stop and then continue. I will be posting more about the things I have changed pre pregnancy, as we were planning, and then throughout my first trimester.
Feeling great today. A little exhausted in the late afternoon and definitely in need of my afternoon nap but then get a second wind. πŸ™‚
Cardio: 45 minutes Incline Treadmill 12%-15% 4.3 mph
5 sets of 20
-abductor machine
-push ups
2 Mile Dog Walk

Meal #1: 1 cup wheat bran with 1/4 blueberries and 1/4 cup strawberries & 6 egg whites

Meal #2: 4 egg white scramble with mushrooms, bell pepper and onions with 2 pieces of whole wheat toast and Hot Sauce

Meal #3: Turkey Patty with Texas Caviar (from Costco) Black Eyed Pea/corn salad πŸ™‚

Meal #4: Quest Bar with Cucumbers

Meal #5: Tostadas πŸ™‚ Eat To Grow Tilapia, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, onion and guacamole over my homemade “tostada chips” made with Low Carb Tortillas with lots of cilantro and lime πŸ™‚


Totally random, as I am not much of a Katchup lover but for some reason it has sounded really good. Added it to my eggs in meal #2 and it was delicious! πŸ™‚
I haven’t been having too many cravings, more aversions where things just don’t sound that great. My veggie intake and decreased to “normal”. I use to be a little over the top with my veggies and now I have really toned down my intake. Grilled veggies sound better than cold salads and it depends on the time of day. Lunch, salads are fine but in the evening, warmer, grilled veggies are the only veggies I want.
I will keep you posted as my journey continues!
Thank you all for your amazing words and support! It is really fun to begin a new chapter of my life and be able to share the ins and outs with all of you! Stay tuned for continuous updates!
Lots of love,