Training To Failure … to do or not to do

There is so much controversy when it comes to weight training, theories, beliefs, etc. Nearly every aspect of weight training is controversial which can lead to misapplication, misunderstanding and improper techniques. How useful is it to perform reps until failure?...

Goal setting, R is for realistic

Childhood obesity is such a problem in today’s world and a huge concern is that there are currently so many children who are over weight, that it is hard to tell what is normal, anymore. Isn’t that sad! We can roll that over into adults as well. What is...

Prepare your muscles

Preparing your muscles for your workout is just as important as your workout alone!  jumping straight into your workout without the proper warm up can only get you into trouble! What muscles you are you going to be working during that workout session?  From there,...

Holiday choices are your own

If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else. –Yogi Berra Your Holiday choices are your own… That’s right – it’s your choice. Enjoy the holidays but remember your choices are your own.  I’m suggesting you get get on a...