Tuesday throwdown….

Good Morning Good Morning!! Waking up to my Java, Oats and Shake and ready to take on the day… So many changes and upgrades are occurring at ginaaliotti.com. So exciting and so much more to offer and more on its way… On that note, the system has been...

Its Friday, wahoooo

Good Morning!! It’s Friday! Did you know that there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays this month! This only happens every 823 years!! Gotta love having more weekends in one month!! Here is for 2 out of the 5! 🙂 Any exciting plans for the weekend? Other...

Bon Voyage Bellas…

Good Morning Bellas!! Wow, what a busy few days getting ready for my travels. I am headed out today and will be returning 09/26 and back on the site Monday 09/27. I want to wish you all my best and keep each other going in the forum! Keep rooting each other on, keep...