G-Fit Workout of the day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 10 lunges superset with press 10 alternating leg lifts off exercise ball 10 side plank hip extensions 10 reverse lunge superset with front raise 20 straight leg dead lifts Rest and repeat 3x Dig...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 1: 10 Bulgarian split squats 15 incline push ups 10 up and over (bench) leg lifts 10 stationary lunges with front foot elevated 30 incline mountain climbers Rest and repeat 3x and move on to part 2… G-Fit Workout Part 2: 15 1/2...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the day: Ran 5K (3.1 miles) Circuit: 10 bench jumps 10 incline reverse grip push ups 10 kettle bell swings, switch hands 30 pulse squats 10 cross touch crunches Repeat circuit 3x rest and move on to PART 2…. PART 2 20 leg lifts 10 circle leg...