Protein Q&A

Q: I thought I saw you post what protein you use, but can’t find it. I remember a Pro Dessert Pudding, but I looked it up and it’s an actual pudding mix. So, if i’m going to go out and buy protein, because I just don’t eat enough of it, what is...

cherrios and protein

Post Workout Meal, better than your usual Protein and oats… A bowl of whole grain cereal is as good, and in some cases better for for recovery after exercise than some of the typical post workout recovery drinks. Cereal is an awesome post workout meal that I...

Protein powder before competitions

Question… I was surprised to see that you were still including protein powder for a few of your meals even a few weeks out from your competition. I’m currently 8wks out from a show and was using it up until this Monday when my trainer told me I should not be...