This past weekend, while browsing the grocery store, I found myself irked by all the 100 calorie snack packs!! Do people really think that these are the ticket towards reaching your ultimate weight loss and fitness goals? Yes, these 100 calorie snack packs sell like hot cakes. People are so consumed with calorie counting that they pay less attention on quality of foods and more attention to amount of calories. Most people relate fat loss goals to counting calories. “To lose weight and get in the best shape of your life you have to eat less calories”. Perfect, you can eat twelve 100 calorie Oreo packs or chocolate covered pretzels and you will in turn lose weight!!

You see my frustration?!… People are drawn to these processed foods because marketing tells them they are okay and they are only 100 calories! Companies have done a great job of making packaging look appealing and creating wording that markets their products as a healthy choice, when in reality, they are far from healthy! Unfortunately, it is left up to the consumer look past the marketing tricks and understand that they are being lured into eating processed, unhealthy foods! The problem is, people are not educated on the quality of foods they eat but rather are brainwashed by marketing tactics!

It is important to focus on quality of foods rather than their calorie content! 100 calories of Swedish fish is not the same as 100 calories of whole grain crackers!

It just takes a little more time invested in reading food labels to really figure out what foods are good choices and which are less healthy options. Get use to reading labels and don’t be tricked by marketing scandals! There are only a handful of 100 calorie pack products that are worth having on hand, such as 100 calorie pack nuts, nut butters and popcorn.

Other than that, beware of marketers trying to lure you into purchasing these extremely pricey 100 calories snack options! According to a study, you are only paying 16 to 279% more per ounce than the versions in regular packages. On another note, another study found that people actually consumed more calories because they would eat several “100 calories packs” because they were tricked into thinking that the package was only 100 calories so they could consume more! The bottom line is all calories are not and should not be treated equal! Some people say a calorie is a calorie but the truth of the matter is quality over quantity!!

Do you now have a better understanding of why our simple yet extremely powerful Personal Log does not have a designated place to chart your nutrient breakdown (calories, carbs, fats, proteins, etc) but rather a space to indicate your healthy food choices. Here at we do not believe in counting calories or getting stuck on numbers. It is about being aware of your healthy smart choices and learning along the way!
When it comes to choosing your foods it’s not really necessary to get caddy and start counting numbers. It is all about focusing less on calories and more on the quality of food you are ingesting.
We want to introduce a new approach and way for you to look at the foods you eat! Spend less energy focusing on numbers and more on the types and quality of foods you consume!