It is important to watch those trans-fat traps… Here are a few products that have trans-fats that you may not even realize!
Energy bars
The ones that have a candy-like coating are most likely to contain trans fat. If you are in an emergency and a bar is all you have or can find, be sure to Read the ingredients label carefully and look for bars without the partially hydrogenated oils.
Hot cocoa
Most mixes have trans fat. Make your own or stick with tea!
Microwave popcorn
The simple and healthy alternative is to air pop your own.
Muffins & Pancake/Waffle Mixes
Anything baked with shortening will contain trans fat. Ask bakeries or restaurants what they use. At home, bake with canola oil or Apple sauce instead and opt for one of our delicious Muffin recipes! Most Pancake and muffin mixes contain as much trans fat as cake mixes so another reason to make your own!!
Peanut butter
Most processed peanut butters include partially hydrogenated oil. The good news is that these products typically contain less than two percent of the unhealthy oil, so by FDA guidelines they’re considered “trans fat free” BUT there still is trans fat!!! To go truly trans fat free, buy natural peanut or almond butter where the oil will separate. The ingredients should read peanuts or almonds and salt (or no salt) and that is it!
Salad dressing
Look for dressings with no hydrogenated oils, or better yet, make your own with olive oil and vinegar and your favorite herbs and spices.– see the recipe section for other options!
Most trotillas, which can stay fresh forever, probably contain trans fat. Instead, choose the ones in the refrigerated case (especially organic versions), which usually don’t have trans fat in them. My favorite are the Ezekiel Products 🙂
Watch out, read labels and don’t fall into the trans fat trap!