So today was a beautiful day here in San Diego. Hot and I love the heat so again, I was a happy camper! I woke up feeling a little exhausted and knew that today I was going to have to take it easy. I thought about calling it an off day but then told myself I was going to do something, just tone it down and not go for a p.m. swim. My goal is to do something daily, even if it is really slow or for a short amount of time. Consistency is my key word with all my clients and a words you will hear me preach all so often! It is the word I really believe takes you from good to great and that makes you successful in anything you do. My theme during my pregnancy is going to be consistency. Consistency all around, with my balanced eating, listening to my body, exercising daily, positive thinking, etc. No matter what, keeping consistency as my #1 focus is going to be key! Just take a look at my breakfast and that is a prime example of my consistency. What is Gina Having tomorrow for breakfast…. ? I bet you can’t figure it out!? 😉
I went to the gym for my workout and cardio and almost didn’t do it but thought, I will just go slow and steady and once I got started got my wind and got through it. 🙂 It always feels so great to get done and know that you almost didn’t do it and you did! 🙂
You will see my workout and meals below. After Meal #4 I had an ultra sound (funny story) then took a well needed nap. I woke up completely craving fat, which hasn’t been uncommon. I had my Meal #5 (pb2 and flaxseed) which was delicious. I had about 2-3 servings and felt much better. Because of the high fats, wasn’t too hungry for dinner so munched on some zucchini. I definitely listened to my body and it is feeling great to really understand what my body needs. It takes listening to your body to a whole other level!
We had an ultrasound. They needed to take some particular measurements and were unable to take what they needed because of the position of the baby. I had to do a few things to get him/her to move. I was told to use the bathroom, that didn’t help. Then I was asked to lay on my stomach for 5 minutes, that didn’t help. Finally they said to go walk around and move and hopefully that would work. My hubby and I had a little bit of fun in the hall way, trying to get my baby to “move baby move” and change positions. We had some fun, doing some jumping jacks, hand stands, etc. Got a good little laugh in and had some fun. Believe it or not, our little one still didn’t move. We had to try a different ultra sound position and then she was able to take the measurements, phewww…. It was an interesting and funny visit. 😉 Everything is looking great and it is so neat to see our little one on the big screen! Still so amazing that is growing and living inside me. You know how this all works but when it is you, it is a completely different, surreal, incredible, and unexplainable experience. Our human bodies are amazing! How life begins and is formed is absolutely incredible!

Meal #1: 1 cup what bran, 1/2 banana and 1/4 cup blue berries with 5 egg whites
Meal #2: Quest bar 
Meal #3: 99% lean ground turkey, cabbage sauté with Chili Paste and 1/2 avocado

Meal #4: 99% lean ground turkey with an apple & Dandy Blend Iced “coffee”

Meal #5: PB2 with Chia Seed

Meal #6: Grilled Zucchini
Workout of the day:
Cardio: 30 minutes on the Step-Mill
repeated 3x, removed jumping jacks for body weight squats
 Until Tomorrow. xoxo Gina