Today was an interesting day, waking up super tired! Every day is different, let me tell you. Thank gosh, my day didn’t start until a little later so I could snooze a little longer. It is definitely mental asking yourself, is my body tired or is it my mind. These days, I can definitely tell the difference, it is my body. I think my baby is going through a growth spurt because I have been tired and hungry!!
I have been feeling a little different and food aversions are back, at least today they were back pretty strong. All I can say is nothing sounds good. I am hungry, eat something but it doesn’t satisfy me. I am thirsty, I drink, but it doesn’t satisfy my thirst. It is the weirdest thing. I am typically so easy, I am hungry or thirsty, I can eat or drink anything and I am good. Now it all I can say is nothing is satisfying or sounds good…. It is really strange! Imagine nothing satisfying you? Everyday is different and once again, you really just have to go with it, as I am learning. 🙂
Workout of the day:
-3 mile walk with my dog
Literally 10 minutes of misc weights before my a.m. clients
20 reps and 3 sets:
-bench dips
-Side Leg Lifts
-Combo Squat/Tricep Extensions

PM- SWIM- 42 Laps
Meal #1: 1 cup what bran with 1/2 banana and 1/4 blueberries
Meal #2: Quest Bar with an apple
Meal #3: Cabbage turkey Saute with Nori and topped with 1/2 avocado and chili paste
Meal #4: Zucchini Protein Pancakes & 1/4 cup raw almonds
Meal #5: Salmon with Greek Yogurt and dill over top 🙂

Going to get to be early and call it a night. Hope to wake up with more energy tomorrow!
night night! Gina