Q: Hi Gina, Any chance you might have a top 5 healthy snack options for kids:-) My son is 5 and nieces are 10, 12 and I want to have healthy options for them when we go sight seeing in Seattle…
A: Oh yes, of course!! I will give you my top 10. (in no particular order)
#1: Super simple popcorn trail mix
— You can always have them help you come up with their own trailmix and make it fun and creative! 🙂
#2: Fruit Salad (their favorite fruit sliced up)

#3: Rice Cakes (they have delicious flavored kind that the kids will love!) —

#4. Light String Cheese OR light Mini Babybel Laughing Cow Cheese

#5. Our Famous Apple Mini Protein Pancakes or Mini Muffins
#6. Bumps on a Log (Celery with Nut Butter and Raisins or Craisins OR Raisinets)

#7. Jell-O or Pudding Cups

#8. Meat Roll Ups (simple roll Deli meat into tubes)
#9. Popcorn or Whole Wheat Pretzels

#10. Snack Pack Almonds (regular or flavored 😉 )

There are just a few, hope that helps! 🙂