Thursday update

Hope everyone is having a great day… So the report back to you is NO shakes and feel so much better. I have been receiving a lot of feedback from girls that they have been having serious bloating issues. Ladies, check the amount of shakes you are having. With...

Precious time, make the best of it!

You hear me talk a lot about HIT training and Circuit training… We’ll that is because there is something to be said about it! We all have limited amount of time to spend working out and with the reality of LIFE, time is of the essence so why not spend it...

Sprint Training

I have been posting and talking a lot about my higher intensity workouts and wanted to share with you a little bit of information on sprint training and higher intensity cardio training. I often get asked a few questions about sprint work and want to shed some light...

The down low on cardio…

So many people are confused about the best zone for optimal and ideal fat loss. People believe that once we step outside of the fat burning zone (65-80% of maximum heart rate), we have stopped burning fat. If you better understand the physiology, things will become...

Cardio Q&A

Q: Now in your opinion do you recommend doing cardio after weights?? There is a guy at the gym that gives me so much grieve over doing cardio after my weight session. He swears I am going to lose muscle, how ever I did this with my last comp prep and guess what I won...