Vitamins and Minerals, food vs. supplements

It is so common to think that we eat healthy, why supplement with vitamins??? Especially if you are on the GA healthy living plan, with all the greens we eat, who needs more vitamins and minerals, right? Aren’t vitamins and minerals for those that do not eat...

Vitamin D, the new C….

We have talked a lot about this vitamin in the past and that is due to the amount of attention it is getting these days! Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” has been talked about more and more lately! It was once thought to be an understood vitamin without...

Leg and supplement q&a

Q: I was wondering if you could share some good ways to bring down my legs and tone them up? Also, which supplements, do you use when getting ready for a show? I’m always hesitant when it comes to taking supplements because sometimes the bright packaging can be...